Most of the vineyards of Friuli-Venezia Giulia are located in the southern half of the region, including the great wine regions of Collio Goriziano, Colli Orientali del Friuli, Isonzo and Carso. The Lison-Pramaggiore region is shared with the Veneto region. Smaller regions such as Annia, Aquileia, Grave and Latisana are located in the central and western part of the region around the city of Pordenone. These smaller regions are located on floodplains with gravel and sand soils. The wines produced here are lighter and less elegant than the Friulian wines produced in the main southern wine regions. Unlike other Friulian regions that require 100%, a varietal wine in the Graves and Aquileia areas needs only 85% of the grape variety, while the Latisana and Annia areas require 90%. In these areas more red wine is produced than in the rest of Friuli, with Merlot, Cabernet franc and Cabernet Sauvignon as main varieties. With the production of still wine, the sparkling and sparkling styles are produced from Chardonnay, Pinot bianco, Pinot grigio, Friulano and Verduzzo.